Launching WordPress and MySQL on Kubernetes using Ansible

Saurabh Suthar
Apr 26, 2021
WordPress and MySQL Server

Setup Description: In this article, we’re going to Launch WordPress and MySQL on Kubernetes using Ansible.

We’ll start with writing a playbook for configuring the above setup over the Kubernetes cluster.

Copying WordPress, MySQL and service file. Executing the same files.
Debugging the resources created and checking the port for the service

Launching MySQL, WordPress and Service over the Kubernetes cluster using resources file.


Running the playbook.yml on the Kubernetes master node using ansible.

Running the playbook.yml
Files are copied successfully
Tasks are executed successfully
Checking the IP address of the MySQL pod and port number of Service
Debugging IP address of MySQL Pod

Use the IP address and port number of the service to access the WordPress Application.

Successful Hit to the WordPress Application
Add the MySQL’s IP address to Database Host
Run the installation
Now, we can configure the App now

Wow😁😁, we’re done with the set up now.

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